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Personal Growth and Development Program

Dear Parents/Guardians:      

As part of the Health Curriculum, 4th, 5th and 6th grade students will be receiving instruction on Personal Growth and Development. Boys classes will be taught by the physical education teacher, Mrs. Heather Hart, and the girls classes will be taught by the school nurse, Mrs. Tentilucci.        

4th grade-Personal hygiene practices,physical needs of young adolescents and for girls only- the basic concept of menstruation.      

5th grade- Personal hygiene, adolescent changes, self respect, information about the menstruation process, resources for questions or concerns.      

6th grade-Personal hygiene,self respect, aspects of puberty, basic anatomy of male and female reproductive systems, basic understanding of reproduction, information on menstruation, resources for questions or concerns.        

If you prefer to have your child excused from classes, please send a written note to the Health Office. Sixth grade parents may go online to the Kotex website for additional information. The address is  

Thank you  

Susan Tentilucci
School Nurse