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Vocal/Choral - Jessica Bishop


The primary purpose of the Council Rock music curriculum is to provide and maintain a program of music education that will benefit all students.  Individual abilities, interests, and needs are met through the availability of classroom general music, instrumental instruction, vocal instruction, performing groups, and through special course offerings. Continuing efforts are made to discover aptitudes and encourage development of those abilities. Emphasis on the fundamentals of music is stressed through a conceptual approach, which utilizes study, composition, analysis, listening, and performance of a selected music literature. Representative repertoire will include music of a wide range of periods, styles, cultures, forms, composers, and technology.

Music Touches Lives

National Association of Music Educators

National Standards

1.  Singing alone and with others a varied repertoire of music.

2.  Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.

3.  Improvising melodies, variations and accompaniments.

4.  Composing and arranging music within specified guide.                                       

5.  Reading and notating music.

6.  Listening to, analyzing and describing music.

7.  Evaluating music and music performances.

8.  Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.

9.  Understanding music in relation to history and culture.